Facts: According to the 2020 survey the facts has been proven that rewards and loyalty programs were found to be the most effective and useful programs to build a strong customer base.
Basically, a rewards program or in a technical word the loyalty program will be helpful to identify the behavior of the customer and which type of customer is continuing to shop at your brand. Through which the customer will get most of the benefits of the brand from which he/she is the frequent buyer. The more they shop with the same brand the more the customer and brand loyalty are built between both of them.
If you take care of that if the existing customer then you won’t have to worry about the new customer, no marketing is stronger than word of mouth. Your loyal customer will bring the new ones by themselves that’s a WIN-WIN for the brand.
Loyalty programs can vary according to the brand and also in many different ways. There is one loyalty program which is basically when you reward the customer by giving them loyalty points on every purchase they make via your website, and then after those loyalty points which are collected by the customer, that customer can use that points as a discount on his next purchase.
There is another type of rewards and loyalty program which is followed by giving them free goodies with their purchase or including them to your Prime membership program for the frequent customer.
An Another loyalty program exist which includes customer’s passion, which basically is instead of giving them loyalty points or free goodies then offering them the rewards that he/she has earned that amount of money would be donated to the charity where the customer is mutually passionate about.
The concept remains same. By offering rewards to the customer ane being loyal to them and taking care of the needs building a stronger bond can help to stay connected to your brand and are less likely to move over to another competitor
work smarter, not harder.
1.keeps and steady revenue and increase in customer flow :
When you maintain the streak to continue giving customer benefits of their money and their shopping the cash flow for your brand will remain the same at the end of the month and high chances of increase in the customer which is at the end know as your rate of retention
Why it is important to increase your Retention Rate..?
Loyal customers are more likely to visit your restaurant again than a new customer. And spend more then new ones.
2. Free of marketing :
This is called word of mouth marketing, which means that it saves a $$$ million of dollars to just market you restaurant, but using the rewards and loyalty program to your website, the loyal customer and frequent diners will eventually bring the new customer just by the satisfactory service provided you.
Eventually you wont need to spend more money on your marketing and let your loyal customer to there magic.
If you want to reduce spending and to waste $$$ of dollars, focus on customer acquisition rather than spending on marketing and other stuff.
Take a while to urge to understand your ideal customer and their expectations. From there, you’ll build a loyal marketing strategy that gets noticed and converts, and bring new customers.